FERDINAND DENNIS was born in 1956 in Kingston, Jamaica. In 1964, he came to London where he grew up. He has taught creative writing and is the author of the novels, The Sleepless Summer and The Last Blues Dance. His non-fiction includes Back to Africa: A Journey and Behind the Frontlines; Journey into Afro-Britain for which he was awarded the Martin Luther King Memorial Prize. Ferdinand Dennis lives in North London.
Author photo © Thomas Stewart
Claire Chambers teaches postcolonial literature the University of York. Her fascination with Muslim South Asia was sparked by a teenage year spent in Peshawar.
Nafhesa Ali is a sociologist and the lead postdoctoral researcher for the Storying Relationship project at Sheffield University. She researches gender, age, the life course, and methods.
Richard Phillips is a geographer and Storying Relationships’ principal investigator at Sheffield University. His research interests include contemporary multiculturalism and the world after Empire.
All three live in the UK.